Thursday 14 September 2017

Ghost Ship

Lesson notes from Ghost Ship:

  • The singer that is dressed in red symbolizes blood we are introduced in the near upcoming shot, however if you didn't know it was a horror  then the audience may see it as love, passion. This would create a soft and relaxing image, a sense of tricking the audience makes the horrific scene more intense for them..
  • The difference in sound in the opening creates a horror aspect. The deck where the singer is standing, is all lovely however the deck where she invites people to go up to, the sound change more echoey and nasty to listen to, this is where the audience has its first suspicion. 
  • we also get introduced to a young girl, this is strange as the rest of the cast are much older. The Camera really focuses on this, behind the child there are flowers which symbolizes youth and future. Also the child is dressed in white which also makes her stand out. 
  • Also we are firstly introduced to quite long camera shot where the action starts to begin the shots then quicken to speed up tension for the audience. 
  • The beginning sounds starts off lovely with the singer however then the actions starts to take place the music slows down and the images that we see are in slow motion. allowing the harsh sound of typical horror music to speed up the tension.
  •  Most of the camera shots have harsh bold line cutting through the frame showing how it will soon repeat that action on the people on board. this repeats throughout the video.
  • The Ghost Ship have a lot of repeated camera shots, this makes everything connect plus in a way they have produced this thinking about the art of each shot including the zooming out camera shot when the damage was done and everyone was laying on the floor dead covered in red blood. 

1 comment:

Deutschland 83- representation- screen grab and analysis.