Friday 18 January 2019

Stranger Things: Intertextual film references

Stranger Things: Intertextual film references 

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Stand by me- 1986 reference 
Stand by me and Strangers things share many similarities and differences, for example as present in the image above, a scene where boys are both walking on a train track walking towards the camera. wearing similar fashion accessories, including rucksacks. differences include the time period in which the series were produced. stranger things has a much duller picture, creating a much more spooky and mysterious atmosphere where as stand by me is much lighter and open spaced.

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E.T. The Extra- Terrestrial 1982 reference 
 E.T. The Extra- Terrestrial 1982 and Strangers things share many similarities and differences, for example as present in the image above, a scene where eleven and E.T. are both starring at a 1980's television, stranger things has used many similarities with eleven and E.T. comparing a young innocent troubled girl as a majestic creature. the only differences is the time period in which both productions were produced and released although stranger things use many 1980's references. 

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The Goonies- 1985 

The Goonies- 1985 and Strangers things share many similarities and differences, for example as present in the image above, two scenes show a group of middle school aged boys laughing, playing with each other and another where they're all riding downhill on bikes, similar camera angles and frame positing. both include 1980's fashion and surroundings, only difference is the release and production date.  

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