Tuesday 19 September 2017

mise en scene

Mise en scene

  • A french term meaning what is put into a scene a frame.
  • Visual information in front of the camera. 
  • Communicates essential information to the audience.



Image one-
From this image we are introduced to two male characters, first impressions I would take that its pictured in the war time I suggested this because of their appearance (facial hair). the background is quite dark and mysterious however the light shines on the characters faces making our eye focus on them. their facial expressions look quite anxious as if they have heard of seen something out of surprise, something they didn't want to hear or know about. their faces look dull, tired and annoyed.
The positing of the characters are close up by doing this we are only focusing on their facial expression stead of the actual reason.

Image Two-
In the second image we are also introduced to two male characters whoever this time one is much older then the other. This is also pictured in a older yarer we know this by the clothing. it feels like a western film. the younger man crouched down on the floor on the phone has blood over his top with his hand bandaged. From this we may suggest that he was in trouble potentially in a fight or committed a crime. the older man is also crouched down but looks over him showing a more worried but caring nature. potentially scared about some upcoming consequence. Both of their faces look worried, scared, nervous it feels like the tension is building in this shot. The overall image is lighted due to his injury. These characters are also centered in the middle showing the importance of the shot.   

1 comment:

Deutschland 83- representation- screen grab and analysis.
