Thursday 12 October 2017

Club advert remake

1. Who did you work with and how did you manage the task between you?
I was happily put into a group working with Niamh, Holly, Jen and Olivia. We all worked really well together, Jen took control of the filming I helped directing, and the others acted. To finalise our advert me and holly edited ensuring the correct timing with the music and other elements to make sure the advert fits perfectly for the remake.

2. How did you plan your sequence? what processes did you use?
To ensure a good attempted remake we played the advert and filmed at the same time to make sure camera angles and timing was correct. before filming we did screenshot of the main camera shots and sectioned the last 17 seconds of the advert.

3. What theorists do you think you could apply to your task?
The theorists that we took inspiration wen recreating the advert is Albert Bandura due to the Media Effects. the reason why Albert would it perfectly is because he focuses o how media can implant ideas in the mind of his particular audience and how it can change behaviors of certain people. This can be seen in our video because the Club Bar gives a strong impression of joy an excitement convincing the audience to buy their product.

4. What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting an editing? 
The main factors we ad to take into account were the props, main actors, surroundings and effects including the last shot of the club advert.  Also we needed to consider how many people were in the shots and who needs to be the main focus of each scene. lastly we also need to consider the lighting, weather and time in which we need to shoot it as it wouldn't match to the original.

5. How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well and with hindsight what would you improve/ do differently? 
I think overall it went very well because we all took in turns to talk and presents ideas that would work best for the remake. Even better if we focused more the camera shots as some wasn't precise. secondly finding a real duck instead of an image on the computer. Thirdly  a real baby to stick as close to the original as possible. 

6. What did others say about our production? 
"i like the way we transitioned from each shot- good editing. It was in time with the advert." 
"i like how everyone played the role really well, and how it looked like the original. would be better i there more people in the park."
"Take more time to plan in creating the scenes for example get more people in 'busy scene' to show it being for lively so it looks similar to the advert. and get a real duck. and don't make the last bit green"

7. What have you learnt from completing this task?
I have learnt what to consider when i need to film an advert eg what props i would need, types of actors that would it the role, lastly knowing the right surroundings eg time, weather, light etc in order to remake an advert. Also more practice with the editing. 

8. Looking ahead, how will this leaning be significant when completing your future productions? 
It will help me to know peoples strengths and weaknesses in my group also including myself. also how planning is the most important to ensure everone knows where and what they should be doing. 

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Deutschland 83- representation- screen grab and analysis.