Thursday 23 November 2017

News & politics

Right Wing- Daily Mail, The Sun, The Telegraph, The Times
  1. Conservative
  2. UK Independent Party, British National Party
  3. Traditional Values
  4. 'Survival of the fittest' meaning if you have earned it you should keep it 
  5. disagree with benefits  in benefits/ welfare for all
  6. disagree with the NHS and private schools 
  7. they are against gay marriage also traditional views about women 
  8. Pro-Brexit, anti-immigration
  9. Pro  weapons
Left Wing- The Guardian, The Mirror, Financial Times
  1. Labour, The Green Party
  2. Optimists- the future (forward looking) 
  3. Pro-Europe (Anti-Brexit), Pro-immigration, Pro-Multiculturalism
  4. 'Welfare state', benefits "for the many not the few"
  5. Higher taxes- especially the rich 
  6. Looking for more equality
  7. 'Idealists'
  8. Fight for women's rights, gay rights etc.           

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Deutschland 83- representation- screen grab and analysis.