Wednesday 27 December 2017

Mail cover evaluation

What was the task you were given and who was your target audience?

Our task was to write and publish the breaking news of daily mail newspaper regarding the hold off
of the royal marriage of Meghan Markel and prince harry, Due to Meghan Markel dirty ongoing love
affair with a man called Brett Carpenter. The target audience is anyone interesting in reading the daily
newspaper and their social demographic is b, c1, c2 also people that support the conservatives.

2) What research did you undertake and what did you find were some of the typical conventions of
 a Daily Mail front cover - layout, types of stories, fonts
For the  research for this task, I looked at previous daily mail front covers to select a layout I thought
looked best to display the information. Daily mail newspapers as a whole use bold large front as their
 headlines ensuring it's their main eye attraction on a page. They use at least one photo to attract and
 engage their audience to inform as much information as possible. Also, due to their main audience
 too much writing wont attract the people they want. This aside the large use of color not only for
 their stories however for their advertisement usually positioned above the daily mail headline story.

3) Which Daily Mail cover did you use as your main source? Insert. What are your observations from
this source?

I used this daily mail front cover as It clearly shows the people involved or victims of the murder,
having a little information underneath the images about the murder giving a quick insight to their
 readers. Has advertisement up in the right-hand corner this is gaining the daily mail more money.
 underneath that it has another story to engage their readers, that story may be more well-known
might have been present on other newspapers. Then under that we have our main headline story
 ‘MURDERERS’ This would obviously attract their readers. I thought this would fit perfectly with
my story as I was able to show the people involved by using the layout. A bold singular word to
show power and intensity then a little information to engage the readers just from the front cove.

4) Which areas did you find most challenging?

At the beginning, what I found challenging was ensuring everything was the right size, the text
 was the correct font, and the text was long or short enough to fit with the layout of the daily mail
 paper I was recreating. And so, making sure the front cover matched as accurate and realistic as it
could possibly be.

5) What was your initial feedback? What did others say about your production? How successful was
do you think it is?

My classmates and teacher said they liked how realistic it looked to my focus daily mail paper.
They said how clear and easy to understand from one look. They liked the ‘TRAITOR’
 bold headline they said how it attracts your eye instantly. However, they said that could try and match
 the font exactly the same as the real one to make it even better. Also, the positing on certain
 text boxes could be rearranged slightly to fit perfectly corresponding with the original.

6) Identify what went well and with hindsight what you do to improve/do differently.

7) In the exam, you will be analysing newspaper front covers. In producing this cover, are
there any areas that you hadn't noticed before? What have you learnt from completing this task?

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