Thursday 30 November 2017

stolen car horror analysis

Daily mail

The daily telegraph
Who was involved?
Ellis, Elliott Kimmitt, Darnell Harte, Anthoney Armour, Robbie Meerun. West Yorkshire Police 
5 people, among the 5,3 of which were children. Two brothers- Ellis and Elliot Thornton (12 and 15), Darnell Harte (15) Two men aged 24 and 28
What happened?

"Five victims of stolen car horror, Renault Clio smashes into a tree in Leeds" 
5 people died after a stolen car crashed into a tree.
Where did it happen?
Stonegate road in leeds 
Stone Gate road, Three miles north of Leeds 
When did it happen?
10pm yesterday 25 November 
Saturday night shortly before 10pm (25th November)
How did it happen?
not much information yet needs to be updated after court 
2 boys aged 15 thought to have stolen a car and drove it into a tree killing 5 people, 2 survivors were the drivers 
Why did it happen?
teens stole the car and drove it into a tree- more information is needed 
More information on the matter is required 

Representations of newspapers

The Sun-  ANARCHY (London riots)

The representations of this newspaper is the use of language including "mindless violence" which shows their views about youths and how they act before they think. also the main bold, capital letters "anarchy" means rebelling against the government. clearly this would result with the older generation seeing all youths negatively after this. In addition by them naming "215 arrests, PM jets back" shows the huge amount of chaos the youths are creating. showing how the elders have to take control and stop them. In the image it shows a black youth dressed in a tracksuit walking in front of a lit car with flames filling the image. This represents all youths as rebellious and trouble makers and all is left for the adults to pick up the pieces.

Daily Express- Britain faces a week of snow & Madeleine

the main image our eyes are drawn to is the photo of Madeleine due to how many time we have seen her on newspapers about her being missing.

Friday 24 November 2017

Newspapers front covers

Front covers on newspapers based on these subjects
1) pro/Anti Corbyn, may, Trump
2)Brexit/ Remain;
5)Free schools
6)Paradise papers
7)NHS funding
9)mass shooting/ ISIS

Thursday 23 November 2017

News & politics

Right Wing- Daily Mail, The Sun, The Telegraph, The Times
  1. Conservative
  2. UK Independent Party, British National Party
  3. Traditional Values
  4. 'Survival of the fittest' meaning if you have earned it you should keep it 
  5. disagree with benefits  in benefits/ welfare for all
  6. disagree with the NHS and private schools 
  7. they are against gay marriage also traditional views about women 
  8. Pro-Brexit, anti-immigration
  9. Pro  weapons
Left Wing- The Guardian, The Mirror, Financial Times
  1. Labour, The Green Party
  2. Optimists- the future (forward looking) 
  3. Pro-Europe (Anti-Brexit), Pro-immigration, Pro-Multiculturalism
  4. 'Welfare state', benefits "for the many not the few"
  5. Higher taxes- especially the rich 
  6. Looking for more equality
  7. 'Idealists'
  8. Fight for women's rights, gay rights etc.           

News screen cast

News article analysis

The structure of a news article include...

  1. who is the story about?
  2. what is the story about ?
  3. where did the story happen ?
  4. when did the story take place?
  5. why did the story happen?

Tuesday 21 November 2017

newspapers being biased?

1) Newspapers paper can be bias through pictures and graphics, camera angles & captions

2) Newspapers can be biased through their word choice, tone in body of the text.
Related image

3)Newspapers can be biased through their choice of journalist and sources- who is writing it and what their beliefs? and where have they got there information from?.
Related image

4) who is writing the newspaper and what are their beliefs, also where have they got there information from

Image result for newspapers front page

5) where is the article in the paper? is it prominent or hidden? back or front

Image result for newspapers front page

6) bias through omission or selection- whether an article is published or not

Image result for newspapers front page

7) bias through headline

Image result for newspapers front page

8) bias by the use of names and titles- (terrorist, crimes that committed ages ago)
Related image

9) bias through statistics and crowd counts 'a hundred injured in air crash' or only minor injuries
Image result for newspapers front page thousand dead

Newspaper data sheet

Newspaper article analysis

Monday 13 November 2017

Friday 10 November 2017


 Mise En Scene,
Image result for Mise En Scene,

Semiotics, The study of signs and symbols as elements of communicative behaviour; the analysis of systems of communication, as language, gestures, or clothing

a style or category of art, music, or literature.

t     the literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests.
  • the action of indicating or referring to something by means of a word, symbol, etc.

 an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
 Psychographic and Demographic Profiling-
Psychographics has been applied to the study of personality, values, opinions, attitudes, interests, and lifestyles. ... Because this area of research focuses on activities, interests, and opinions,
Demographics is defined as statistical data about the characteristics of a population, such as the age, gender and income of the people within the population


Theory -

 Roland Barthes, 

Barthes codes theory from alexdabriel

 George Gerbner,



  • Mid 16 hundreds newspapers were created local news as they couldn't get hold of worldwide news, this was the only way of communication.
  • News papers can be biased
  • Gatekeeping- a term which is applied to the editing and filtering process where decisions are made to let same information 'pass through' to the receiver and other information remains barred.

The 5W's of Journalism

who is the story about?
what is the story about?
where  did the story happen?
when did the story take place?
why did it happen?

intro to news

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Deutschland 83- representation- screen grab and analysis.