Genres are instances of "repetition and difference", and that they are systems of expectations and conventions that circulate between industry, text and subject.
He says, "genres are not systems they are processes"- they are dynamic and evolve over time.
Genres can be seen as "a means of controlling demand"
Genre is constituted by "specific systems of expectations and hypothesis which spectators bring with them to the cinema and which interact with the films themselves during the course of viewing process."
From this image we are introduced to two male characters, first impressions I would take that its pictured in the war time I suggested this because of their appearance (facial hair). the background is quite dark and mysterious however the light shines on the characters faces making our eye focus on them. their facial expressions look quite anxious as if they have heard of seen something out of surprise, something they didn't want to hear or know about. their faces look dull, tired and annoyed.
The positing of the characters are close up by doing this we are only focusing on their facial expression stead of the actual reason.
Image Two-
In the second image we are also introduced to two male characters whoever this time one is much older then the other. This is also pictured in a older yarer we know this by the clothing. it feels like a western film. the younger man crouched down on the floor on the phone has blood over his top with his hand bandaged. From this we may suggest that he was in trouble potentially in a fight or committed a crime. the older man is also crouched down but looks over him showing a more worried but caring nature. potentially scared about some upcoming consequence. Both of their faces look worried, scared, nervous it feels like the tension is building in this shot. The overall image is lighted due to his injury. These characters are also centered in the middle showing the importance of the shot.
What went well, what did I learn?
At the beginning i found it a little difficult as i did not know where all the tools were to edit the video but also how to put the correct audio to fit behind it. Never the less after a few tries i finally got the hang of it. I was able to drag multiple videos over the the editing bar to then be able to over lap and cut them to fit with mixed audios that i placed behind it. After ensuring both videos and audios were good i was then able to make it better by putting in video and audio transitions, that includes 3D motions, dissolve videos, slide, special effects, cross fade audios, etc.
Even better if...
For some reason editing the audio became hard to do as it wouldn't let me select it to then place it over the audio. Making the sound finish harsher instead of an overlap. Also i didn't know how to change the color of the video which i thought could have been interesting. Finally the introduction happens quite late so i would want it to bring it forward so we are not waiting forever for it to play.
GENRE Describe In detail Setting/location Themes Icons Narrative Characters Textual analyses MISE EN SCENE Costume Lighting Actors Make-up Props Setting STEVE NEALE-Genre Theorist "Genre relies on repetition and differences" Stephen Roy Albert Neale is a British Analytic philosopher and specialist in the philosophy of language who has written extensively about meaning, information, interpretation, and communication, and more generally about issues at the intersection of philosophy and linguistics
Language Industries Audience Representation
SEMIOTICS-The study of signs Denotation:
The literal or primary meaning of a word, in contrast to the feelings or ideas that the word suggests.
the action of indicating or referring to something by means of a word, symbol, etc.
Connotation: An idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.
In this first camera shot we took a photo showing the genre horror, to do this we used shadows and lighting to create a scary and violent image. We had to make sure we were positioned correctly to create a bold and clear figure plus the weapon.
In the second camera shot we took inspiration from the genre 'musicals'. In order to show that, we used the piano and ensured the camera focused on that so then the audience would do the same. we ensured there was enough light to ensure a clear image.
In the final camera shot we took inspiration from the genre 'romance' to do this we hoped to show a couple showing their affection towards each other. we focused to camera on the girlfriend facial expression after receiving a flower.
The singer that is dressed in red symbolizes blood we are introduced in the near upcoming shot, however if you didn't know it was a horror then the audience may see it as love, passion. This would create a soft and relaxing image, a sense of tricking the audience makes the horrific scene more intense for them..
The difference in sound in the opening creates a horror aspect. The deck where the singer is standing, is all lovely however the deck where she invites people to go up to, the sound change more echoey and nasty to listen to, this is where the audience has its first suspicion.
we also get introduced to a young girl, this is strange as the rest of the cast are much older. The Camera really focuses on this, behind the child there are flowers which symbolizes youth and future. Also the child is dressed in white which also makes her stand out.
Also we are firstly introduced to quite long camera shot where the action starts to begin the shots then quicken to speed up tension for the audience.
The beginning sounds starts off lovely with the singer however then the actions starts to take place the music slows down and the images that we see are in slow motion. allowing the harsh sound of typical horror music to speed up the tension.
Most of the camera shots have harsh bold line cutting through the frame showing how it will soon repeat that action on the people on board. this repeats throughout the video.
The Ghost Ship have a lot of repeated camera shots, this makes everything connect plus in a way they have produced this thinking about the art of each shot including the zooming out camera shot when the damage was done and everyone was laying on the floor dead covered in red blood.
Clueless movie trailer has been created under the paramount productions. I personally enjoy it due to its high school, fashion, and romance elements. We are introduced to the star character that we follow through the movie "Cher" who is very opinionated however always shows a strong connection with her close friends which we also emotionally connect with. Many of the camera shots have either Cher of two actors in it showing that element of school and students. Most of the shots are in the hallways, classrooms, school parties, shopping, or 'Cher' house. She is very clueless, this relates to her driving and issues with boys. Her clothing is very bright and stylish which signifies the clueless movie with her statement pieces including the yellow checked. The overall movie is bright and fun, with most background music having an upbeat element allowing clueless to create an enjoyable mood for the audience.